Big Cats of Maasai Mara National Reserve : Kenya is a famous wildlife Kenya safari destination for the big cats and Maasai Mara national reserve of the most popular safari destination where you can find these fascinating creatures.

The name big cats used to refer to any of the 5 members of the genus Panthera that are tiger, lion, jaguar, leopards and the snow leopard as well as the cheetah which is considered a non-pantherine and cougar also referred as the clouded leopard.

Maasai Mara national reserve is a world cup of wildlife viewing and a fascinating wildlife destination located in the Southwest of Kenya, the reserve is a vast expanse of gently rolling African savannah plains stretching over an area of 1510 square kilometers.


A lions stands  for power and Majesty that is why it is referred to as the king of the jungle.

Maasai Mara national reserve is a home to many resident lion prides found in most corners of the park and they normally occupy the same territories making it easier for tourists to spot them.

In the lion pride, female offspring provide the continuity of the pride lasting for many decades and they are permanent members/residents of the pride. The adult male lions, tend to be more transient and gain their hierarchical positions in the pride by chasing out their predecessors.

Lions in Maasai Mara national reserve are best heard and encountered at nights, these nights are filled with deep roaring males – this is done as a warning to other males to stay away from their territory.

As they are referred to as the King of the Jungle, sometimes the lions do not always live up to its reputation as the king of hunters. The lions are inveterate scavenger always on a lookout for other predators’ kills, the hunting is usually initiated by the females of the pride in the early morning, late afternoon and night time.

During the hunting, the lions cautiously stalk the prey within a few paces, make a fast dash and pull the victim down killing the prey by either a bite through the neck or by clamping down on the muzzle until it suffocates.

Several female lions in Maasai Mara national reserve hunt together and is so common in Maasai Mara national reserve, though there is no apparent communication between the lionesses they hunt together with military precision, diversions, pincer movements and final assault carried out with an incredible accuracy.

Big Cats of Maasai Mara National Reserve


A leopard stands for grace and cunning among other big cats

Leopards are regarded as shy, nocturnal animals and they can among the three big cats you can easily sight in Maasai Mara national reserve at any moment of the day. Leopards are known for having remarkable vision, exceptional hearing and good sense of smell, they are also skilled climbers

Leopards in Maasai Mara national reserve are easily sighted resting in a tree, generally leopards prefer wooded savannah and rocky outcrops which are dotted in the vast plains of Maasai Mara.

During the hunting, leopards often drop on their unsuspecting prey from above, followed by a strike with claws extended then they bite to the next or back of the head as the paws embrace the body.  Leopards have an incredible strength to carry the killed prey into a tree to hide from other fellow predators, the leopards are known to have a liking for baboons and at night you often hear the baboon barking suddenly in the middle of the night in Maasai Mara national reserve.

Leopards, lead a different lifestyle depending on the age. The adult leopards lead a solitary life and only come together during period of mating.


Cheetahs are built for sheer spend and they are the world’s fastest land mammals with ability to run at 110 kilometers per hour, Maasai Mara national reserve is one of the best places in the world to see these breathing creatures.

Cheetahs often seek a vintage point on a fallen tree, termite mound or a car bonnet to take a lookout across the savannah plains for their next prey. The cheetahs use a peculiar method of hunting to their prey, their method is built for speeds and hunts by stalking close to its prey and then race after it. This brings the prey down before seizing it by the throat and suffocating it, cheetahs are sprinters and because of this, they cannot maintain great pace for long and incase it has not caught its victim within 100 meters. It will give up on the hunt.

After the hunting expedition is over, the cheetah lies with heavy flanks for up to half an hour before recovering to feed. This makes the cheetahs vulnerable to hyenas, jackals and vultures which are very keen to snatch the kill.

Big Cats of Maasai Mara National Reserve


What should I do if a cheetah hops on top of my vehicle?

During a game drive experience in Maasai Mara national reserve a cheetah might hop on to the top of your vehicle, when this happens,

  • Stop the engine of your vehicle and do not move the vehicle until the cheetah gets off.
  • Keep quiet and do not agitate the cheetah, behaviors such as clapping, cheering, standing on top of your vehicle, driving up close to animals (closer than 25 meters), driving fast near the animals and chasing animals are considered and classified as animal harassment.

What happens when we harass animals including the big 5?

When vehicles and humans (tourists) harass the animals, the animals’ normal behavior is interfered with. Cheetahs are one of the most vulnerable animals in Maasai Mara national reserve falling victims to harassment.

What can I do when I find an orphaned baby animal?

If you find a baby animal alone, it is best not to interfere with them, this is because most mothers leave their babies when hunting and return to them. As tourists, you must not pick them up, handling these babies will transfer your human scent causing the mother to reject her young one.

In case you happen to notice that the mother has returned to the baby by dawn, inform the rangers of the animals’ location so that they can pick them up.

When do you see baby animals in the Maasai Mara national reserve?

Maasai Mara national reserve is a year-round destination for watching baby animals, all year round breeders include lions, leopards, cheetah, hyenas, elephants, impala, buffaloes, baboon, vervet monkey and rhino. The peak time to watch babies from these animals is from March – April.

Seasonal breeders in Maasai Mara national reserve are

  • Bat-eared fox best seen in (July, Aug)
  • Jackal best seen in (July, Aug)
  • Topi best seen in (Oct)
  • Warthog (Oct)
  • wildebeest (Feb-in Serengeti)
  • Eland (Sept, Oct).

What can I do when we find an injured or dead animal?

The only thing you can do as a tourist during your Kenya safari in Maasai Mara national reserve is to report the whereabouts of the injured animals to the rangers when the injury is suspected to be human induced (caused by snares, snares, arrows among others).

This same thing applies to dead animals except for lions, cheetahs, rhinos, leopards and elephants.

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