Interesting facts about rhinos : The most breathtaking animals on Earth can be seen on safaris in Kenya ,Tanzania and Uganda, where a significant population of rhinos can be found. The rhinoceros is unusual among them all. Wildlife enthusiasts have developed a deep affection for rhinos due to their distinctive behaviours and archaic appearance.

We’ll learn fascinating details in this post that provide insight into the life of these animals and the conservation initiatives they face.

Rhinos Have Special Relationships with Birds.

Rhinos have a symbiotic relationship with birds despite their tendency to be solitary animals, which is just another fascinating truth about them. The African rhino and the African oxpecker are the two most known examples of this. The bird would frequently perch atop a rhino’s back and consume its insects. Due of rhinos’ limited vision, birds would also sound an alarm in the event of any impending danger or enemy approach.

There are 5 species of rhino in the World.

These include two African rhino species – black and white rhinos. The bigger one-horned, Sumatran, and Javan rhinos are the three Asian rhino species that persist.  The IUCN has classified the Sumatran, Javan, and Black rhinos as “critically endangered.” Only an estimated 66 Javan rhinos and between 34 and 47 Sumatran rhinos remain in the wild, putting them in real danger of going extinct.   With 15,942 individuals, the white rhino is considered “near threatened,” whereas the greater one-horned rhino has 4,014 individuals in the wild at this time and is considered fragile.

They have a long lifespan.

Depending on their species and the habitat in which they reside, rhinoceroses can live anywhere from 35 to 50 years in the wild. They might survive even longer in captivity if they get care and protection. They can contribute to their ecosystems for many years because of their extended longevity.

Their horns aren’t made of bone.

The horns of rhinos are one of their most characteristic traits. On their snouts, black and white rhinos both have one or two horns. The same component that makes up human hair and nails, keratin, is used to manufacture these horns. Unfortunately, rhino populations have declined as a result of frequent hunting for their horns.

Where to see rhinos in Kenya
Rhinos in Kenya

Rhino skin is like armor.

The thick, robust skin of rhinos resembles armor. This skin serves as the body’s natural defence against the sun and insects. Because of its extreme toughness, it can survive in environments with thorns and sharp branches. A layer of fat that helps rhinos control their body temperature is located beneath all that thick skin.

Rhinos charge at threats.

Although rhinos have a serene appearance, when they sense danger, they can turn violent. A rhino may charge at a perceived threat if it feels cornered or provoked. These charges have the potential to happen very quickly up to thirty miles per hour.

They have bad eyesight.

Rhinos are really strong and large animals, yet their vision is not very good. They have limited vision, so if you’re on safari, they might not be able to notice you from a distance. They can, however, identify possible threats because to their keen hearing and scent senses.

Rhinos can weigh over 3 tones.

Despite being the smallest rhinos overall, Sumatran rhinos can weigh up to 600 kg, or over 95 stone. Conversely, weighing up to 3,500 kg, white rhinos are the largest rhino species. Considering that their primary diet consists of grass and leaves, that is an astounding accomplishment more than 550 stones, or well over 3 tones.

Black And white rhinos are both, in fact, grey.

Both black and white rhinos are essentially grey, despite their misleading labels. The Afrikaans word for wide, “wyd,” is supposed to have inspired the name of the white rhino, due to its broad, square lip (black rhinos have a sharp top lip). Because early English explorers misinterpreted this word for “white,” they called this species of rhino “white” and the other rhino “black” to distinguish between the two.

They’re called bulls and cows.

‘Bulls’ refers to male rhinos, while ‘cows’ to female rhinos. They call their young “calves.”  Compared to the more lonesome, territorial males, females are typically more gregarious. A “crash” of rhinos is a collection of rhinoceros.

Rhinos have poor vision.

Rhinos primarily rely on their keen sense of smell because they have poor vision and cannot see a motionless person more than 30 metres away.

They communicate through honks, sneezes and poo.

Rhinos communicate by making a variety of amusing noises.   They make ‘trumpet calls’ and snarl during conflicts. Black rhinos have four distinct vocalizations: scream in fear, snort in anger, sneeze-like cries as alerts, and’mmwonk’ in relaxation.   Additionally, rhinos communicate by excrement and urine. Rhinos can smell other people’s feaces and urine and can identify who is in the vicinity when they defecate in the same location as other rhinos, which is called a latrine.

They Love Mud.

Rhinos frequently wallow around in the mud, covering themselves with a layer of mud to keep cool, ward off insect bites, and get rid of parasites.  Asian rhinos can easily traverse rivers since they are proficient swimmers. However, their African counterparts prefer to cool down by wallowing in mud because they are terrible swimmers and can die in deep water.

Rhinos are under threat.

In the past ten years, poaching has killed about 7,100 African rhinos, or almost two every day. Gangs who engage in poaching are getting more and more skilled. In certain instances, rhinos are tracked by helicopters, and after being shot with firearms or tranquillizer darts, their horns are cut off using chainsaws and they are swiftly transported away. The rhino will frequently bleed to death if it is not already dead, and the entire procedure may take as little as ten minutes. In traditional Asian medicine, ground rhino horn is believed to “cure” a variety of illnesses, including hangovers and cancer. Furthermore, especially in Vietnam, the horn is regarded as a prestige symbol.  As infrastructure and human population expand and intrude on rhino habitat, habitat degradation and fragmentation pose a growing threat to rhinos.

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