Bird Species in Ol Pejeta Conservacy 2022 : The ol pejeta conservancy is 360 km 2(140 sq mi) not –for-profit wildlife conservancy in central Kenya’s Laikipia county, in Laikipia district. It is situated on the equator west of Nanyuki, between the foothills of the Aberdares and Mount Kenya. Ol Pejeta was established in 1988, originally as a cattle farm, Ol Pejeta has developed into a wildlife sanctuary and is an important conservancy protecting endangered species. Ol Pejeta covers 90000 acres containing four different key habitats (plains, riverine, wetlands and mixed acacia bush land)hundreds of species and thousands of animals, with more than 500 species recorded ol pejeta conservancy is a bird- watcher’s paradise and is surrounded by a population more than 50000 people.

A bird is a bipedal, warm blooded animals, a vertebrate, covered in feathers and lays eggs, wing feathers are actually present in such dinosaurs as velociraptor and oviraptor. Birds are grouped into two, terrestrial and water birds; terrestrial birds are birds that stays primarily on the ground, not only foraging on the ground but also generally nesting and roosting on the ground or very low in shrubbery or brush. Water birds are type of birds that lives on or around water.
Bird species in ol pejeta conservancy includes the following and in their categories.
- Ostriches
- Guineafowls
- Francolins, Quails and Spur fowls
- Ducks and Geese
- Grebes
- Storks
- Ibises and Spoonbills
- Herons and egrets
- Hamerkop
- Pelicans
- Cormorants
- Secretarybird
- Eagles, Vultures, Hawks, Buzzards, Harriers, Kites
15.Falcons and Kestrels
- Finfoots
- Crakes and Rails
22.Stilts and Avocets
24.Plovers and Lapwings
25.Painted –Snipes
26.Sandpipers and Snipes
27.Coursers and Pratincoles
28.Gulls and Terns
- Doves and Pigeons
30.Parrots and Lovebirds
31.Turacos and Go-Away-Birds
32.Cuckoos and Coucals
33.Grass Owls
36.Swifts and Spinetails
42.Wood Hoopoes and Scimitarbills
44.African Barbets
46.Woodpeckers and Wrynecks
47.Batises and Wattle-Eyes
51.True Shrikes
53.Monarch flycatchers
- Crowns and Ravens
58.Bulbuls,Brownbuls and Greenbuls,
59.Swallow and Martins
- Crombecs
63.Cisticolas,Prinias and Apalises
- Babbles
70.Flycatchers, Robin-Chats and Wheatears
- Weavers
- Waxbills, Manniins and Fire finches
- Whydahs and Indigobirds
76.Wagtails,Longclaws and Pipits
77.Canaries and Seedeaters

Bird watching at ol pejeta conservancy is good throughout the year, however, the migrants from Europe and North Africa are present in November through April, and the best time for general wildlife viewing is from July to September and January to march. This partly coincides with the wet season, when many species can be seen in breeding plumage as they are nesting. The wet season in ol pejeta conservancy because all the bird species can be present during that period of times including the migrant bird species from different parts of the country.
The requirements are things or tools used during the process of bird watching and are;
Binoculars; Perhaps the most useful piece of equipment abider should have a pair. Without binoculars ,beautiful bird sitting high in tree could remain nothing more than speck in the distance. To avoid such frustration, it’s important to invest equality pair of binoculars with magnification capabilities.
Field guide; looking at beautiful birds in their natural habitat is fun on its own, but having the ability to identify the different birds can enrich your experience. By bringing a field guide with you, will be able to classify birds based on the guide’s illustrations and descriptions. Just make sure to bring a guide tailored to the area in which you will be bird-watching.
Journal and pen. If you’re an avid bird-watcher, you may want to document your findings. Keeping a journal will help you remember what birds looked like, the noises they made, and other important details so that you can identify them when you get back from your birding expedition.
Spotting scope. Binoculars may help you get a better view of birds in your general area, but if you’re trying to see a bird that’s extremely far off in the distance, you’ll likely need the aid of a spotting scope. In addition, spotting scopes are useful for getting a more detailed look at birds so that you can better identify them.
Camera. Many birders enjoy bringing cameras along with them on their bird-watching excursions. Snapping a few photos of the birds can be beneficial for identifying them later. Plus, you’ll likely end up with some incredible photographs due to the artistic and graceful nature of birds.

How to get to Ol pejeta conservancy.
Ol pejeta can be reached by both road and air means.
Air transport, there is charter and domestic flights. Charter flights are flights that operates on the basis of rented; while domestic flights are flights that do not leave the country.
The easiest way to get to Ol Pejeta is to take one of the daily scheduled flights from Nairobi to Nanyuki airstrip which is a 45 minute drive away. It’s possible to charter flight from any other park to Ol Pejeta’s airstrip which is currently only open to charter flights. Charter flights are usually booked by tour operators as part of their tour package.
Road transport; if you’re coming from Nairobi, the drive will take about 3-4 hours. The road from Nairobi to Nanyuki is tarmacked although there are parts under construction with the new dual carriage set to reduce the drive to less than 3 hours in the future. Keep in mind that the last 13 kilometers to Ol Pejeta is well maintained all weather road.
Ol Pejeta is the largest black rhino sanctuary in East Africa and home to two of the world’s last remaining northern white rhinos. It is the only place in Kenya to see chimpanzees, in a sanctuary established to rehabilitate animals rescued from the black market. It has some of the highest predator densities in Kenya, and still manages Avery successful livestock programme. Ol Pejeta also seeks to support the people living around its borders, to ensure wildlife conservation translates to better education, health care and infrastructure for the next generation of wildlife guardians.
Where to stay in Ol Pejeta conservancy in Kenya 2022.
There are various and beautiful places where to stay in Ol Pejeta during your visit which as follows;
Midrange hotels; Sweetwater’s serene camp 4-star which is 2.5 miles to OL Pejeta conservancy, Railsend Hotel 3-star which is 9.7 miles to Ol Pejeta conservancy and many others. Mid-range hotels are the perfect combination of value-for-money and comfort. These hotels are often bigger rooms than budget hotels which are more amenities. You will find these hotels in the city center as well as in parks.
Budget hotels, these include celebrica hotel, the greater circle lodge, royal cottages, Ol Pejeta house, Budget hotels are the hotels that provides minimum amenities and services for a lower price than regular hotel in the area, they also provide clean rooms that are safe and meet the basic needs of a guest for an extra cost.
Luxury hotels. Mount Kenya villas and eco-camp, ole samara guest suites, podo cottages, Mutara camp, soames hotel and jack’s bar, acacia villas and others these hotels provides no set standards such as stars these hotels always have spa treatments, restaurants ,bars, fitness centers and range of well-designed rooms and suites.
Ol Pejeta conservancy is one of the best birding destination in Kenya hosting over 500 bird species and these birds include those residents, the migrant bird species, the rare bird species, endangered bird species that are nearly endangered.