Ngorongoro Conservation Area Fees

Ngorongoro Conservation Area Fees – Tanzania : Ngorongoro conservation area is one of the remarkable tourist destinations in Tanzania, as other destinations in Tanzania offering serving activities there are fees charged per tourists, activity and vehicles entering the conservation area. These fees were drafted as per the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Amendment, these fees are as below 

Ngorongoro Conservation Area Fees

Note: These fees are VAT exclusive 


Entrance to Ngorongoro conservation area is charged a fee, this fee is levied depending on the category of the tourists that is Tanzania residents (Tanzanians), East African Community residents (EAC), foreign residents/ expatriates, Foreign non residents and safari crew. These fees are for single entry valid only for 24 hours.

  • Tanzania citizens (Tanzanians)
Age  Fees (Tz shs)
Above the age of 16 years 10,000
Aged between 5 years and below 16 years 2,000
Below 5years free
  • East African Community citizens (EAC)
Age  Fees (Tz shs)
Above the age of 16 years 10,000
Aged between 5 years and below 16 years 2,000
Below 5years free
  • Foreign Residents (FR)/ expatriates living in Tanzania 
Age  Fees  (US$)
Above the age of 16 years 30
Aged between 5 years and below 16 years 10
Below 5years free
  • Foreign non residents (FNR)
Age  Fees (US$)
Above the age of 16 years 60
Aged between 5 years and below 16 years 20
Below 5years free
  • Safari crew
Category  Fees (Tz shs)
Tour operator 1,500
Camping crew 1,500
Tour guide  1,500

Walking safaris 

Tanzania citizens 

Duration  Fees (per person) in Tz shs
Adult  Child 
Short walks (1-4 hours) 5,000 2,500
Long walks (above 4 hours ) 10,000 5,000
Endoro trail and Elephant caves  5,000 2,500

East African Citizens 

Duration  Fees (per person) in Tz shs
Adult  Child 
Short walks (1-4 hours) 10,000 5,000
Long walks (above 4 hours ) 20,000 10,000
Endoro trail and Elephant caves  10,000 5,000

Non- East African Residents 

Duration  Fees (per person) in US$
Adult  Child 
Short walks (1-4 hours) 20 10
Long walks (above 4 hours ) 25 15
Endoro trail and Elephant caves  15 10

Visiting Olduvai Gorge and Laetoli footprints 

Tanzanian citizens 

Age group  Fees (TZ shs)
16 years and above 16 years  5,000
Children aged 5 years and below 15 years  1,000
Children below 5 years  Free 

East African citizen

Age group  Fees (US$)
16 years and above 16 years  20
Children aged 5 years and below 15 years  10
Children below 5 years  free

Non-East African Residents 

Age group  Fees (US$)
16 years and above 16 years  30
Children aged 5 years and below 15 years  10
Children below 5 years  free

Hot air balloon safari

Age group  East Africa citizens (Tshs) Non- East Africa Citizens (USD)
8 years and above  40,000 33.50
Children below the age of 8 years old  free free

Horse riding safari 

Age group  East African citizens (Tshs) Non-East Africa Citizens (USD)
16years of age and above  10,000 10 
Children below the age of 16years free free

Sundown fee 

Age group East African citizens (Tshs) Non-East African Citizens (USD)
16 years of age and above  5,000 5
Children aged 5 years and below 16 2,000 2
Children below 5 yeas free free

Mountain biking safaris 

Age group East African citizens (Tshs) Non-East African Citizens (USD)
16 years of age and above  10,000 15
Children below the age of 16years free free

Bush lunch permit 

Category  RATES per person 
Tanzania citizens  25,000  Tshs
East Africa Community Citizens  25,000 Tshs
Non-East Africa Community Citizens  20 USD

For bush lunch experience, tourists need a bush lunch permit which is got at a fee and this fee is levied depending on the category of the tourist. Pre-cooked meals for during Bush lunch experience is served at the discretion of the conservator.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area Fees

Cultural Bomas 

Entry fee to cultural Bomas is US$ 20 per vehicle irrespective of the category of the vehicle 

Concession fee 

Concession fee at Ngorongoro conservation area is charged to individuals staying in lodges and campsites which are located within Ngorongoro conservation area, these fees are charged depending category and age group of the tourists.

Age group East African citizens (Tshs) Non-East African Citizens (USD)
16 years of age and above  30,000 50
Children aged 5years and below 15 10,000 10
Children below 5 years  free free

Filming and photographic fees 

Filming and photographic experience in Ngorongoro conservation area is done at a fee, his experience is charged US$300. This fee is paid per day per person and covers entry, camping, guiding and filming, these fee cater for the filming crew (Technical crew involved in directly filming production such as directors, producers, cameramen, soundmen, lighting crews  regardless of the nationality)


For vehicles and aircrafts to access Ngorongoro conservation area, they pay a fee which is levied depending on the category/status of vehicle and aircraft. For vehicles the weight is also depended on and in aircrafts the number of seats is used, in the category of Vehicle and aircraft fees accidents and parking are also charged. The status of the vehicles and aircrafts are registered in Tanzania and foreign registered. 

Motor vehicle permit 

  • Registered in Tanzania 
weight Fees (Tz shs)
Tare weight up to 2000 kg  20,000
Tare weight from 2001 kg – 3000kg 35,000
Tare weight from 3001kg – 7000kg  60,000
Tare weight from 7000 kg and above  150,000
  • Foreign registered 
Weight Fees (US$)
Tare weight up to 2000 kg 40
Tare weight from 2001 kg – 3000kg 150
Tare weight from 3001kg – 7000kg 200
Tare weight from 7000 kg and above 300
  • Annual parking fees 
Weight                             Rates (T.shs)
Private vehicle  Public vehicle 
Tare weight up to 2000 kg 100,000 200,000
Tare weight from 2001 kg – 3000kg 150,000 250,000
Tare weight from 3001kg – 7000kg N/A 300,000
Tare weight from 7000 kg and above N/A 350,000

Aircraft landing fees 

  • Locally registered (Tanzania owned only)
Capacity/number of seats  Fees (Tz shs) per landing
Private aircraft Commercial aircraft
Up to 4 seater  10,000 15,000
Between 5 – 12 seater  15,000 20,000
Between 13 –20 seater  20,000 35,000
Over 20 seater  50,000 60,000
  • Foreign registered 
Capacity/number of seats  Fees (Tz shs) per landing
Private aircraft Commercial aircraft
Up to 4 seater 50 120
Between 5 – 12 seater 120 170
Over 12 seater 170 320

Accidents (motor vehicle and aircraft)

Category  Rates (Tshs)
all motor vehicles 200,000
all types of aircrafts  200,000


Tanzania citizens 

Age group  Type of the camp (Fees Tz shs)
Public campsite  Special campsite 
Above the age 16 years  10,000 15,000
Children aged 5 years and below 16 years  5,000 7,500
Children below the age of 5 years  free Free
Safari (Tanzanian crew) 2,000 4,000

East African citizens 

Age group  Type of the camp (Fees Tz shs)
Public campsite  Special  campsite 
Above the age 16 years  10,000 15,000
Children aged 5 years and below 16 years  5,000 7,500
Children below the age of 5 years  Free free

Non East Africa Citizens/ Foreign tourists 

Age group  Type of the camp (Fee US$)
Public campsite  Special campsite 
Above the age 16 years  30 60
Children aged 5 years and below 16 years  10 30
Children below the age of 5 years  free Free
  Important notes to note about Ngorongoro conservation area 

Category/status of the tourist 

  • Tanzania citizens – These are tourists residing in Tanzania and they have to present passports or national IDs as proof of their citizenship 
  • East African Citizens – These are tourists residing in any of countries which are members of East African Community, these countries include Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Burundi. East African Citizens have to present their passports or National IDs from their respective countries as proof.
  • Foreign Residents /Expatriates livening in TanzaniaThese are tourists residing and working in Tanzania with no citizenship in Tanzania and East African countries, this category also include their spouses and children. Tourists in this category need to have valid immigration documents or valid working permits.
  • Safari crew – these are individuals working in working in lodges/camp and tour operators registered by Ngorongoro conservation area, these individuals have to be in possession of valid IDs.

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